Pear Therapeutics Apps

Screenshots of reSET app: 1. "Review your progress" screen showing chart of cravings by calendar day. Buttons below allow you to select day, week, or month. A bubble chart in different colors is shown below with different craving triggers. Text at the bottom says "This month, you were triggered mostly by Pain and Other." 2. Home screen of reSET with "Start your therapy" button, "Review your progress" button, and "Report your status" button. 3. "Report your status" screen showing a questionnarie on if you've used drugs today, craving level, and trigger levels.

I worked as a full-stack software engineer making prescription digital therapies for serious mental health issues at Pear Therapeutics. I was the Frontend Architect focusing on accelerating the mobile development process. Previously, I was the tech lead for core mobile libraries, Pear-004 (schizophrenia therapy app,) and several versions of reSET (addiction therapy app.) I oversaw a team of contract engineers, and was involved in product design and planning. I was the solo developer of a multi-user VR peer support environment prototype for patients recovering from opioid abuse.

Time6.5 Years
TeamPear Therapeutics
TechnologiesReact Native, Node.js, Nest.js, TypeScript, Bitrise, CircleCI, GitLab CI, Docker, Unity 3D
Completion Date18 August 2022
Screenshot of Pear-004 app showing splash page with create account button. Phone mockups showing screenshots of Somryst UI including splash screen, sleep diary, cores (instructional content), and first page of "Calculating your sleep window" core.
