Screenshot of "Sumogons!" showing a red squished pentagon, a purple diamond-shaped "peg", and a blue narrow triangle over a gray background.

A 2-player polygonal sumo wrestling physics game for the 2012 GDC Pirate Kart. I'm rather pleased with how it turned out. It's pretty original and people seem to enjoy themselves when playing it!

You control a polygon, and must knock your opponent off the screen. You have the ability to change your size, which affects your mass.

The controls are deliberately cramped, it had to run on the Pirate Kart kiosk at GDC which only had one mouse and a keyboard. I decided to make both players use the keyboard in order to keep the game symmetrical. Originally I had planned for one player to use Keyboard+Mouse and one to use a gamepad.

This was an exciting game to work on. I finished it on my laptop on the GDC Play show floor and submitted with 45 minutes to spare before they had to pack up the Pirate Kart kiosk! By that time, the Kart had just crested 1000 submissions.

Event2012 GDC Pirate Kart
Time~4 Days
TechnologiesProcessing, JBox2D
Completion Date08 March 2012
