Tiny Death Star

Screenshot of "Tiny Death Star" gameplay showing a tower filled with pixel art floors and an elevator shaft on the left. "Build The Largest Death Star!" is shown in a promotional dialogue box at the top. The HUD shows 23 bitizens, 16 floors, 43,291 coins and 10 imperial bucks, and a menu button. Emperor Palpatine is shown in a button on the upper left hand side. A green rodian alien is shown in the elevator. Visible floors 7-10 are "Saleucami Apts.", "Watto's Wares", "Marriage Room", and "Carlac Apts." with a few different human and alien bitizens inside including a few Ewoks and a Toydarian.

I was an original team member working on Tiny Death Star, a licensed game based on Nimblebit’s Tiny Tower. I did a lot of the work to port the game from Cocos2d to Cocos2d-x, wrote the in-app purchase library for iTunes/Google Play/Amazon, built a new content pipeline, “bitizen” avatar customization and animation system, handled FMOD audio integration, Android build system customization, and created various gameplay features.

Time~1 Year
TeamDisney Mobile
Completion Date12 December 2013

Pixel art splash screen for "Tiny Death Star" showing the logo in stylized typography with the "Star Wars" logo surrounding it, a large death star with tie fighters in front of it, and a host of star wars characters including C-3PO, R2-D2, Yoda, Emperor Palpatine, a Jawa, Boba Fett, Luke and Leia, Han Solo, Chewie, Obi-wan Kenobi, and various other rebel and imperial characters. Another screenshot of "Tiny Death Star" gameplay, largely the same as the previous one, but the promotional text box at the top says "Conspire In Underground Levels!" and various "imperial floors" are shown instead of residence and shop floors. Visible floors are 0 through -3, one with a hologram of Darth Vader, "Interrogation", "Blast Doors", and "Tractor Beam". Screenshot of "Tiny Death Star" showing the bitizens album screen. Promotional text box says "Collect Star Wars Characters!" The top section is "Bounty Hunters" showing Boba Fett, Greedo, and IG-88 unlocked, with two others in silhouette with question marks over them. The bottom section is "Droids" showing and astromech droid, a protocol droid, another droid, and one in silhouette with a question mark over it. The tab menu at the bottom allows switching between "Bitizens", "Scenes", and "Scenes" (I think this must have been a pre-release bug or something) with a close button. Screenshot of "Tiny Death Star" showing the imperial missions screen. A promotional text box says "Fund The Empire's Schemes!" and shows Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader standing next to a holographic death star. The mission shown above is "I Spy" described as "Curse these Rebel Spies! Bring me 1 of them!" with a reward of 400 coins.
